A step in the right direction for AI art

The world of artificial intelligence and art has seen some incredible advancements, especially in creating AI-generated art. But alongside this progress, there have been concerns about fairness and whether artists are getting the credit and compensation they deserve.

However, with our work in progress Picture to Any Style will change this. This tool allows artists to teach a computer model their own unique artistic styles. Essentially, artists can create their own styles and use this tool to help a computer learn and replicate their specific way of creating art while the artist own all rights of their style.

The exciting part is that artists can then share these trained models with others. Businesses and people who want to use these styles pay a small fee each time they use them. This means that the original artist gets paid whenever their style is used commercially.

This process helps artists share their work on a larger scale and ensures they get paid for their creativity. It also solves a big problem in AI art—using styles that belong to other artists without permission.

This tool is making art more accessible and fair for everyone involved. It's a step towards a world where technology and art collaborate, ensuring that artists are properly recognized and rewarded for their creative work.